Musician Membership Identifier Numbers

As a musician, there are several identifying numbers that you should know and keep track of. Here are some of the most important ones:

  1. Social Security Number (SSN) or Tax Identification Number (TIN) If you're a musician in the United States, you'll need to have either a Social Security Number or a Tax Identification Number to file your taxes and receive payments from your royalty sources. Make sure you keep your SSN or TIN in a safe and secure place.

  2. International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) An ISRC is a unique code that identifies a specific sound recording. If you're releasing music, you'll need to obtain an ISRC for each track. This code helps royalty sources and distribution platforms track your music and ensure that you receive proper compensation.

  3. International Standard Musical Work Code (ISWC) An ISWC is a unique code that identifies a specific musical composition. If you've written music, you should obtain an ISWC for each composition. This code helps royalty sources track the performance and use of your compositions and ensure that you receive proper compensation.

  4. Interested Party Information (IPI) Number If you're a member of a PRO, you should keep your IPI number in a safe and secure place. This number helps your PRO identify you and track your music performances.

  5. SoundExchange Member Number If you're a recording artist or record label, you should obtain a SoundExchange member number. This number helps SoundExchange track your digital performances and ensure that you receive proper compensation.

  6. Bank Account Number You'll need a bank account to receive payments from your royalty sources. Make sure you keep your bank account number in a safe and secure place.

It's important to keep all of these identifying numbers organized and easily accessible. Having this information readily available can help you stay organized and ensure that you receive proper compensation for your music.